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How to use Call-To-Action Buttons and Get Great Results


You see CTAs (call-to-action) all over the web. It might sound crazy, but top-level internet marketers spend countless hours making sure the simple buttons on their website get the results they want.

They’ll change the size and color of the button. They’ll change the words and the type inside the button until they find the combination that gives them the optimum result.

Website visitors want CTAs that are easy to use. Golf courses want CTAs that convert visitors to customers.

Read on and get your website’s CTAs tuned up and optimized.

Whаt iѕ a Cаll-To-Aсtiоn?

A CTA is an element on a website, like a button or a prompt that tells a user to take a specific action. Text on CTAs might include “click here,” “read more,” or “book a tee time.”

An effective call to action helps your website visitor move forward through your website or app toward their goal. Direct language that clearly conveys the objective and what will come next makes for the best CTAs.

“Click Here” doesn’t explain why the user should take action nor what awaits them when they do.

“Read More” says that they’ll get more information about the topic they’re currently reading. “Download Now” indicates they’ll receive a document they’re interested in.

Dеfinе уоur Dеѕirеd Cuѕtоmеr Rеѕроnѕе

Bеfоrе уоu сrеаtе a саll-to-action it helps to figure out your desired сuѕtоmеr response. What dо уоu wаnt thе visitor tо dо оnсе they’ve reached your golf course website?

Typical examples for golf course websites are:

  • Book a tee time
  • Get information about membership
  • Sign up for men’s league

Once you have an idea what the desired customer response is, create a call-to-action that aligns with this activity. Be clear and concise. There’s no need to try to be clever with a CTA. The more direct and clearly stated the CTA the better.

Examples of clear CTAs are:

  • “Book A Tee Time”
  • Download Membership Brochure
  • Join Men’s League

Think about Thumbs

One of the most important things to consider when creating and designing a call to action is that your golf course website visitor is more likely to be browsing your site on a mobile device like an iPhone. Because of this, you want to make sure your CTA is a big button that’s highly visible and easy to tap with a fat thumb.

When most internet traffic came from desktop computers, it was acceptable to use text links to guide visitors toward your desired customer response because they were easy to click with a tiny mouse cursor. The mobile revolution means that effective CTAs should now be big, bright, visible buttons that are easy to tap with fat thumbs.

Wrapping Up

There are two rules when it comes to CTAs on your golf course website: 1. Have them and 2. Make them big, bright, and direct. There’s no need to be coy.

Remember, your website visitor is on a mission. You can help them out by steering them toward your goal with direct language and highly visible buttons.

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We're Josh & Roger. We started Offcourse Golf to combine our expertise in custom app & web development and digital marketing with our passion for golf. If you're looking to grow your golf business and earn more money, we have the tools and expertise to help.

"We've seen first hand the impact of using the app to fill our tee sheet."

Shawn Lavoie - The Winston Golf Club

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Trevor Goplin - The Derrick Golf & Winter Club

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